Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Heat, Dust and Dreams: Kaokoland Photography

Himba shadow, Kaokoland, Namibia. Copyright: Heat Dust and Dreams
A Himba elder casts an elegant silhouette against the mud daub wall of his home.  The Himba are semi-nomadic pastoralists that inhabit the remote north-western corner of Nambia - a region of harsh, largely waterless semi-arid desert.  More photos of this to come, largely drawn from the book I published on this area, Heat, Dust and Dreams.

Flamingos in formation


Photographer Bobby Haas recorded this on-off formation of Caribbean flamingos in Mexico's Yucatán province - mimicking themselves, and an elegant example of life imitating art.  His profile and other work can be viewed on the National Geographic site.